Arte e Fiori is your florist of choice in Florence for all flower & greenery sales and floral arrangement requirements. At home or in the office, our flowers get delivered anywhere.
Our creative workshop in Florence is every plant and flower lover's heaven. Our workshop exudes creativity. You are going to be inebriated by the sensual and vitalizing harmony of scents released by the flowers and plants we host. This is the hub of ever changing and distinctive flower decorations which fill the environment with well-being and harmony.
Arte e Fiori was created by bringing together the realm of art and flowers. Our arrangements are small, living and pulsating sculptures made with flowers, berries, twigs, leaves and everything that Nature has to offer. Our florists are garden artists who try their hand at polychromatic creations which are full of life, energy and vibrancy to offer you unmatched and unforgettable flower bouquets and arrangements.
We are interior decoration experts working for the client and with the client so that the client's vision may take shape and become magnificent decorative arrangements with stunning and tailored shapes. We know how to enhance your private and business areas both from our workshop in Florence and at your premises.
We are your own in-home florists delivering art to patios, shops and hotels to enhance ceremonies and special events by bestowing a floral touch to every occasion.